around naked.
It is well known: women have never nothing to wear.
But how can this happen? I am twenty years compulsive shopping and still have nothing to wear? Yes.
The famous words, uttered in general being hysteria, siginifica simply that tested a range of clothing in bulk and then piled on the bed, did not find that "something" at that moment you want to wear, and obviously c 'is in our closet.
you men who read this ask yourself how is it possible? Now I will explain.
I bought a new skirt, yet another, but not well either with the blue sweater, or with the black, so we would like ... yes, a red turtleneck. Unfortunately, inevitably, does not appear in the closet. And it's neurosis.
Or by appointment at 20.30 for dinner. 18.00 pm start of preparations for, shower cream, hair, perfume, makeup. And an idea in mind: to wear that purple dress that I feel so good.
at 19.40 But the discovery is stained, ripped or has an edge! And I'm still naked, so why even underwear, in color and shape will depend on what you decide to wear.
discarded pants, because they are unfeminine, discarded the dress already made the last time, discarded the shirt that "too marks where it should not" fixed inside the cabinet that if it contained the relics, and panic. I wander
like a caged lion, trying clothes which are then thrown together, I back and forth between the closet and the mirror , not a mirror whatever, but what makes the image better, possibly slimming effect.
at 20.10, there is no more time, I choose the least worst cursing to myself: I do not have anything to wear!
Still it may happen that I get up in the morning with the idea of \u200b\u200bputting my new blue sheath dress with blue boots, but I open the window and I realize that it's raining ... and blue suede boots, it would spoil.
So, with the anxiety of being late for work, not having even a pair of shoes in the closet that is comfortable with the blue shift dress, are forced to change completely: gray sheath dress and boots blacks. Without considering the
"bag factor"! The purple bag obviously can not carry the red jacket, and forces him to bring everything in it in record time from a bag to another, possibly piece by piece, and not "pouring" all without treatment (sometimes I'd like a funnel). and it is known that the purse of a woman can hold just about anything.
Sometimes I envy my friends who dress exclusively in black: simple matching, black is right with everything, but it is a bit 'sad noo? And a symptom of little imagination.
Or is that just common sense that I lack? ;)
Below one of the funniest scenes of the cult film in which Carrie, on Walk This Way of RunDMC in his beloved wardrobe, try out 80-90 years old clothes ...
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