this morning I met a friend who had not seen for a long time, which debuted with a paltry, trivial but unmistakable "As time goes on ..." ARHG, my mind has iniaziato ringed with all the clichés most common, since "no longer exist between seasons," to "We were better off when we were worse," the most wanted "Venice is beautiful but never would live there ".
But what are the myths about women? Those few women who admit they know very well but to reflect.
1) Women love a little sex and a lot of hate in football. Fake ... at least this is not true for all: I know stories nymphomaniacs and Platini, but unfortunately I have come across a nymphomaniac playing football. However, one thing is certain: everyone would like to have a penis. If for no other reason to pee standing up.
2) Women sometimes feel like arguing. True. Especially (obviously) in the premenstrual phase, in which the hormones make a mockery of them and play pinball with their nerves.
3) Women are totally slaves of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual which refers straight to step 2.
4) The majority of women can not drive. True. And on this, as you know, I quibble several times in the past. Tell that to a woman and see the reaction if it meets' It is true "generally know how to drive well and / or has no self-esteem issues. If it's one of those who can not drive (and knows!) Instead inalbererà , nervously tugging at restart and will probably turn off the engine in the first gear.
5) All women fake an orgasm over. True. Yes, sorry (but not) admit it but it is. And the best part is that man does not realize it ever. That's why God made the woman so that you could see!
5) shoes for women have almost the same power of attraction it exerts on men's ass. True. as Carrie docet always.
6) Women are generally inclined to make judgments immediate (and often negative) of a person just met. True. And if this person is another woman, is labeled with a number of negative reviews and evil that ranges from 1 to 6 ... and at least half of them are spot on.
7) A woman let the phone ring, burn the dinner and allow the dog to tear anything to not interfere with the process of drying of nail polish. True. Only a woman can understand how this process affects your mood.
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