I always loved the subject, even if the time today to tell someone "you're a snob!" is a way (do not know if appropriate) to insult him, of course I speak of the real snobbish, elegant one, with a white cotton pajamas, one by Jacques Dutronc and Serge Gainsbourg, who are charming, with a bit of cynicism and I notice "Being Snob is an art that involves critical facilities and easy sexual activities with people of aesthetic charm"
How could a snob to go to bed with a woman or man unattractive? or to be praised by the passage of the vulgar uneducated? Is better for your face for your pride get some vulgar insults from some people, how would you feel to be an example to those who have the opposite of your ideas or no ideas at all if it has not those of the grandmother? Snob's some big story like Rimbaud or O. A. Wilde give us the perfect pearls to the subject that I'll post 'looking for the moment that there is enough, what you see below (if you do not know the French are not my cock, but if I love you I'll translate it myself)
"I'm a snob
is really the only flaw j'gobe
It takes months to grind
is a life convict
But when j'sors with Hildegard
It's always me that r'garde
It's always me that r'garde
damn ... I'm a snob snob
All my friends are
We are snobs and it's good
organdy shirts, shoes zebu
Tie Italy rotten and nasty full
a ruby \u200b\u200bon his finger ... foot, no Cui then
nails all black and a very nice little handkerchief
Gonna watch films in cinema Swedish
And I go the pub to drink whiskey galore
I have a lot to the liver, person makes it more
I ulcer is less common and more expensive
J'm'appelle Patrick, but said Bob
I'm doing ch'val every morning
because I love the 'smell of dung
I do not go as baronesses
For names like paper clips
I'm a snob ... Exceedingly Posh
And when I'm talking of love
is naked in the yard
We meet with friends
Every Friday for parts of snobbery-
There coca, we hate it
And we eat the pie spoon
My apartment is really charming
J'me heated diamond, n'peut we dream of nothing more smoking
I TV, but it bored me
I r'tournée ... l'aut of 'side is exciting
I'm devastated by this microbe
I accidents in Jaguar
I spend the month of August to sack
In The Little details like that
Whether one is a snob or not
I'm a snob ... Still more snobbish than earlier
And when I'm dead
I Want a shroud of Dior!
I Want a shroud of Dior!
Scritto da Kerim Berkane Phosphoros
Pipilotti Rist Photo by
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