Venus (Latin Venus, Aphrodite in greek) is a major Roman goddess principally associated love, beauty and fertility, the equivalent of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. There are many assumptions about the birth of the goddess. Some people stostiene that it sprang from the seed of Uranus, god of the sky where his genitals fell into the sea by castration inflicted by his son Cronus, Gaea to claim his mother and wife of Uranus. Another hypothesis is that it is born a shell out of the sea. Venus is the consort of Vulcan. It was considered the ancestor of the Roman people because of its legendary founder, Aeneas, played a key role in many festivals and myths of the Roman religion.
As the goddess Venus loved many gods and mortals, with whom she had children. Since its union with Anchises Aeneas was born, the father of Ascanius and the future founder of Rome. They say that the loves of Venus and Mars were born instead of Love (also known as Cupid), and Deimo Fobo.
I like this photo , reminds me of the scene where they run at night in "We the zoo in Berlin," I like this idea of \u200b\u200bdark blue beneath his feet, and moonlight over the head, also because I really want to fall, slip on the floor
For the head, The TRANSPARENT UNDERWEAR , namely the classical structure of any head bra, panties ... and also the sheer fabric but effective transparent
There was this news about this alleged marriage of Kate Moss in Sicily, it was said a long-wearing transparent dress, and what 'return to point to what a beautiful body underwear is your body, so a woman who does not pass the second breast should use a bra because if not for a single aesthetic factor?, and at that point, if a beautiful body is beautiful if you can 'see the shape of the skin in a pure state, other layers of fabric over the clothes are just a disaccentuare, the disinterest charm of the body, as it would clear up the intimate wear a dress of pure silk on the transparent body of a beautiful woman? it makes little sense for two days but I think, what inspires me the pictures I have made this subject, and in fact some theories RII-coincides with the Karl Lagerfeld that you can 'be much more vulgar with certain estates that naked. I think the fact of how interesting it is, therefore, in addition to the classic suit jacket with no bra under test a model similar to that of the picture, reminds me of Nina Ricci, and often its collections, where instead of the normal use of clothes and under nothing of the other designers, we love them but refused to use layers usefulness of "opacity".
There was this news about this alleged marriage of Kate Moss in Sicily, it was said a long-wearing transparent dress, and what 'return to point to what a beautiful body underwear is your body, so a woman who does not pass the second breast should use a bra because if not for a single aesthetic factor?, and at that point, if a beautiful body is beautiful if you can 'see the shape of the skin in a pure state, other layers of fabric over the clothes are just a disaccentuare, the disinterest charm of the body, as it would clear up the intimate wear a dress of pure silk on the transparent body of a beautiful woman? it makes little sense for two days but I think, what inspires me the pictures I have made this subject, and in fact some theories RII-coincides with the Karl Lagerfeld that you can 'be much more vulgar with certain estates that naked. I think the fact of how interesting it is, therefore, in addition to the classic suit jacket with no bra under test a model similar to that of the picture, reminds me of Nina Ricci, and often its collections, where instead of the normal use of clothes and under nothing of the other designers, we love them but refused to use layers usefulness of "opacity".

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