interview today to a boy full of energy, will, to achieve their goals , in the interview that I chose some photos of his work.

Tell me about yourself! What do you want to achieve? How is your day now? Well what I want to achieve? Happiness Unlimited. I want to have a quiet life, which I have not at all. The days I have a stampede, nap, and stampede again. University, work, photography, music, I take 27 hours to 24.
Which of the areas you care for you or you'd see more passion in it, however, a preference for your career? Now study fashion design, but I have no intention of becoming one of those designers who design clothes for a lifetime. I'll do it, but relaxed. I want to create anything I like, I hope to become a designer might complete: all very self-taught. I learn by observing those better than me spending money on courses that then when finished you know a lot of theory and little practice makes no sense. For example, in Treviso, where they go to school there HANGAR, a beautiful store that unfortunately has closed, there is now a high fashion couture. The ladies inside told me that I can come to observe them while create with their century-old craft clothes that look really works. Here I'll never get to this level of total dedication, but you always learn something.
Then when it comes to passion of Photography is now very well there, I started 2 years ago by chance and I have not stopped. Matures over time here.
last entry instead of the music that is coming, and slowly makes its way through my projects.
So I can do everything? I do not know me always ask me too.

One thing, never trust people even if they seem too good ... so if everyone does for this world.
focus and be on your own is best.
What fascinates you immortal moments of life in the photos? there are places or emotions in a particular photograph that you love? The charm I could not describe it. All I know is that looking at my pictures a year after I concentrate a lot to find the flaws that I do not do more for example, and note that despite the simplicity of the shot has come a pretty picture.
hard place? As Bassano is small is beautiful. Ok for Photos in the end the place is not important, just knowing it get the better. But living in Australia, New York, London, Paris would be quite different.
You think to take good pictures you need a good camera? just a simple digital economy? and said that 'what do you use? To take good pictures is all inclusive eheh: semi-professional or professional camera I would say that is the minimum. I talk about digital photography. As for the analogy I would say that it helps them a nice car. The steps it made from a digital switching to a bridge, and ending with professional cameras.
You think to take good pictures you need a good camera? just a simple digital economy? and said that 'what do you use? To take good pictures is all inclusive eheh: semi-professional or professional camera I would say that is the minimum. I talk about digital photography. As for the analogy I would say that it helps them a nice car. The steps it made from a digital switching to a bridge, and ending with professional cameras.
Otherwise, the difference is made by the photographer, any good photographer sees reality in its own way. Then we study the best ones and try to imitate them, always giving something of their own.
If we talk about shooting what must have fashion models who work in this case with you? you have a special way to work? Ah point about who I send any kind of feeling, emotion. The physicist must understand that fades into the background. If a model does not feel at ease with his body forward through the eyes. In the pictures her eyes are a very important thing in my opinion. They understand what kind of person in front of you. The
choose a bit 'in the case, girls may be known on Saturday at a party, like others who request to be photographed!
Pull out the best in each girl or boy has always been one of my quality, and keep me.
Speaking of models, what are your favorites? and what do you think of the models now, from the aesthetic point of view, and although their role as muse, femme fatale, etc. ... has changed over the years? The models of today? Ahaha question that might seem contradictory to me. I like a lot Abbye Lee. That is, it is lean, but has two tits skinny girls usually do not have, but not for its size but I speak for form, admirable.
Returning serious, I think the models today are a bit 'psychedelic, long, long finish. The girls need to understand that so we are born not made. If you are under 14/15 years to 'resign 1.78 you can already tell .. so obvious. But they see the cabbage: show off the beauty from every pore from the age of development.
Then there are the exceptional cases in which live more than image and mounted that in reality are not beautiful but we become hypnotized by making us good publicity, etc. ..
do not have a femme fatale ... I'd like all the girls in my head.
Who are the designers you love most? Mmm not in particular. I'm not good at remembering names. I always like those with unpronounceable names and not so famous.

Then the girls I like here is interesting, so the way they look I admit it has enough. But is not the basis on which I stand to know.
Ami remain in Italy for life both professionally and that we are? if you've got to travel you've had an idea of \u200b\u200bpositive and negative aspects of living in Italy? Here I should be hours to tell you all what I think. I give a dry answer: I DO NOT KNOW WHERE live or what I will do IN FUTURE, I just know I want to be there and see what I will become. At best, "In to the wild" will give me an opportunity to become a big bum or something like that.
What do you think is necessary to have a happy life? Believing in themselves, always. Even if you break the other balls, you live your life and let them live theirs.
Often, the arts, and fashion in particular, receives criticism is seen as a world elitist snob ... What do you think? have had experiences that make you find the truth and also the false in what?
Well it's all a bit 'a world that is based on image, knowledge, and above all LUCK!
they're right place at the right time and your life can change in less than a second. We try to manipulate our destiny sometimes boys. An example: you're reading right? Then there order you to throw yourself backwards with your back. (DO NOT of course)

who wants to help is good, but then crank it up with its own strengths and ideas is even better. Are you sure you want to do something or not be able to do? At least try it, but with commitment. If not let go because the criticism you buried and you risk giving up all the work achieved through hard work and sweat.
I am stubborn, touchy, and very sure of me, but I always respected the other and this has meant that others in turn respect me.
Then there are people jealous or mounted to anything, that will come with the task of demoralizing, but as mentioned, the answers are YES and NO weapons and not be afraid to use them.
Jonnie Ca Bronxelle website:
Sister Morphine: What can I say I loved the answers Jonnie, and I find that the advice he gives are very accurate and helpful, never abandon your dreams because you think too far from your world, everything is possible in this fucking world, I believe that Jonnie is okay with me, do you?
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