Some questions on the projects and thoughts of the composer Claudio Tarantino traveler

singing my project).
When you met and how come you to Francis, the Workshop of the chamomile? We met three years ago ... and being honest is to make social perversion fellow adventurers.
What do you love most, and what you find give you the music? Music is a great way to attract attention ... if girassi naked down the street would draw attention but has no fantasy ... the music is customizable
Ami travel a lot, what do you think maybe subconsciously push you to want to discover new places or at least the idea itself the "journey"? I have a great itchy piedi.Ma above is the comparison with the other cultures that makes me move from home ... I'm too curious to sit still ... traveling life is like drinking a bottle without using the glass (which is daily life)
Considers that our happiness is more than made up by what we give to others or ourselves? Happiness is suffering and anxiety because we know it could end. Unhappiness is calm because we know that once you hit bottom you can 'only go up.
What should people have to catch your interest, to attract your attention? I like to see each person as a gift bag ... each one with its colored paper and ribbon ... But who knows what's inside.
There is a famous character or not, that inspires you and you admire most? Andy Kauffman is the person who inspired me even though I know little .... always ready to surprise and invent new things. Sooner or later I'm sure will come back ... I wish I had his ability to churn out ideas.
Six yourself with others, or use of masks in different situations where you are, perhaps requiring regular one to be accepted? Everyone wears a mask ... if you do not wear a mask I'd go to the bank with a bathing suit.
"Odio et Amo" of living in Milan? social centers with the bouncers, workers who do not eat for a week to buy the shirt of the horse, people who write on facebook "Passions: Money, Poker After Hour" ... it's still my city ...
What is your relationship with your body eset talking about, you care to your appearance in the way you dress? I find the clothes only a "skin" ... I had my way I would always naked ... why I dress with what happens ... without noticing that much ... the important things is that they are the right size. (but for convenience 'for no other reason)
If it were possible to choose any location, where do you think we should go for one week in March, and explains why the choice? probably in Kingston to see the miracle of a population that has adapted to an environment that is not his.
What are your ambitions for your future? With or without music, I just do not get enough to grow mold as his grandfather's coat closet. I see a means of escape in the music ... this is so precious.
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