The Transparency of the body tissue

Dare what is not used nowadays requiring regular safety in a particular woman, and their own self-knowledge, not for nothing that you never see in parades intimate, because the designer wants to show up those bodies, dressed in his naturalness, should in fact think that a dress can 'already contain itself as a prepackaged lingerie. Returning to talk about transparency and thus to see, and nakedness, we must not forget the main theme, namely the body, and the principle of nudity, or leaving a dreamy ethereal look that leaves the freedom of the feeling of lightness. Opposite Often, the style and the idea of virginal women in antiquity can 'depict images of women with an androgynous body and clothes that do not show the forms, or even if large, delicate fabrics, angelic, signs of purity, in fact if we think in heavy fabrics, the winter there is the impression as well, and once more linked to ancient contraposition: water lilies, seducing men of way, are always automatically of clothing amplified with water transparency, a bare beautifully covered.
We must remember that starts to bare is not synonymous with scandal, vulgar or strange, but is otherwise the best thing we have, the great warriors deserved to wear the skin of the animal who killed hunting, and the wounds were like today Precious jewelry that promised to make people understand life, we now can we Understand the dress style, But if we show we where naked Our true condition.
The transparency of the body tissue
Our body can 'be defined in our clothes? Our first dress? This' that gives shape to all what 'that we wear? departs from the traditional transparency is the sine of vision but not the fact of seeing the outline of her nipples, but not to use it 'need to have some special features, first of all have a well-proportioned body, a little breast and tonic that does not go beyond the second cut and a slim body and thin, when you have little breast in addition to not having to bear the bra we dare necklines as the depths of the sea, but remaining chic and elegant, even on a caste structure and modest but where dare a lightweight fabric, silk or lace you will always be clear that effect of self-assured woman who is content with her body as lingerie or structure to match the dress or land in question.
Dare what is not used nowadays requiring regular woman in a particular security and their own self-knowledge, not for anything in underwear fashion show you never see, because the designer wants to show up those bodies, dress in its natural, it must think that a dress can 'already contain itself as a pre-packaged lingerie.

We Moved to remember that nude is not synonymous with scandal, vulgar or strange, but is otherwise la cosa più bella che abbiamo, i grandi guerrieri si meritavano di indossare la pelle dell'animale che uccidevano a caccia, e le ferite erano come oggi dei gioielli preziosi che promettevano di far comprendere la vita, noi ora con il vestire possiamo far capire lo stile ma se fossimo nudi potremo mostrare la nostra vera condizione.
Petit hommage à la FOURRURE
runs your skin,
now I see you walk roads
with the small consolation of a new skin for me,
blood can 'continue to flow
without freezing,
can be dressed to death, death more beautiful
I can be,
bare skin you can 'fight against it,
living things need to remain
hypocritical hot
and you are the prettiest bitch (fur), with envy that people see through
victorious and the muse who do you walk you walk
Our passion is like necrophilia, my dear fur
my body can feel the ecstasy naked from the contact of the dead,
as when the sex of our skin was still breathing,
seems to die of pleasure between your fingers
touch. "
"Your dress is worn your skin,
now I see you walk the streets with the cold comfort of a new skin
for me,
blood can 'continue to flow without freezing,
I can be dressed to death, death more beautiful than I can stand,
the skin naked you can 'clash against it,
the living need you to stay warm hypocrite,
and you are the prettiest bitch with envy that people see through,
and the victorious muse who do you walk close to hand.
Our passion is like as necrophilia,
my body can feel the ecstasy naked by the contact of the dead,
as When The Sex Between Our skins still breathing,
Seems to die of pleasure Between your fingers
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