Sunday, January 31, 2010

T Mobile Call Center Wage

I am not "other"

I was disappointed by the vision Avatar of , called "the movie of the year", "Cameron's masterpiece," still a smash hit that has surpassed Titanic team (Cameron) and The Lord of the Rings ...
It speaks for months on TV, on Facebook, on the street. After 3 weeks of programming is still hard to find a free place if at least 48 hours before, and the rooms are filled every day of the week of heads got on glasses for viewing in 3D.
So even though the genre is not really in my comfort zone, and these men make me a little blue 'effect, I decided to go and yet I see: the movie is nice, I liked it for the visual and sound effects, for ecological thinking that underlies it, for the good feelings that permeate to the happy ending (although I would have preferred that someone died at the end: a tear in would give more "depth" to the story.) But I was disappointed just because I expected more.
Even the music I was disappointed, listen below: Leona Lewis ... I ride a spinning last Tuesday, and I noticed immediately is the same as My Heart Will Go On, Celine Dion ... it happens. I read on
MyMovies criticism that validates my opinion, but at the same time save the film: "It's always a story, you may say, already seen (the movie) and felt. But it takes directors able to dare, knowing that all the stories have been told but that some deserve to be repeated with all the force of spectacle that can be put in place. Avatar will not be the film that will revolutionize the history of cinema, but Cameron deserves respect and admiration. Do you know why and on what subjects to risk, at a time when the vast majority look for the secure payment collection. Honor of Merit. "
often happens to me: When I follow the Mass I remain disappointed. When I went to see Titanic, I was sleepy, reminding me of Muccino I left the room before the end, I came to Chocolat is not even halfway. All films acclaimed by critics and audiences, record collections, and enthusiastic comments.
The Men Who Stare at Goats was mistreated and perhaps earned little, but it is a film that entertains with little, are full of parodies, new age, language games, quotes, philosophy "star wars". This is proof that we are not all equal in fortune, and who still works for me head think differently from the crowd.
This speech reminds me to another reflection on a fact - in my incredible - which takes place on the highway, when approaching the tollbooth : there are long lines of cars in columns, I'm afraid to lose half an hour of time already in the queue when I realize that right there is a toll booth with a green light, where there is none!
Or a movie, has happened to me a few months ago, two boxes on the left, long queues. Two cases on the right, with a CLOSED sign, the other open ... and no one in the queue there! I approach the cashier and asked "Excuse me, can I pay here?" "Sure, it's obvious, is open! And my question: "How come nobody comes here?" looks at me almost sadly ...
How do you explain these events? I always say, many people are obtuse, like goats (here again the theme of the film above) below the ground without thinking for themselves.
people Meditate, meditate forever!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lindey Dawn Mackenzie, Daily Sport

around naked.

It is well known: women have never nothing to wear.
But how can this happen? I am twenty years compulsive shopping and still have nothing to wear? Yes.
The famous words, uttered in general being hysteria, siginifica simply that tested a range of clothing in bulk and then piled on the bed, did not find that "something" at that moment you want to wear, and obviously c 'is in our closet.
you men who read this ask yourself how is it possible? Now I will explain.
I bought a new skirt, yet another, but not well either with the blue sweater, or with the black, so we would like ... yes, a red turtleneck. Unfortunately, inevitably, does not appear in the closet. And it's neurosis.
Or by appointment at 20.30 for dinner. 18.00 pm start of preparations for, shower cream, hair, perfume, makeup. And an idea in mind: to wear that purple dress that I feel so good.
at 19.40 But the discovery is stained, ripped or has an edge! And I'm still naked, so why even underwear, in color and shape will depend on what you decide to wear.
discarded pants, because they are unfeminine, discarded the dress already made the last time, discarded the shirt that "too marks where it should not" fixed inside the cabinet that if it contained the relics, and panic. I wander
like a caged lion, trying clothes which are then thrown together, I back and forth between the closet and the mirror , not a mirror whatever, but what makes the image better, possibly slimming effect.
at 20.10, there is no more time, I choose the least worst cursing to myself: I do not have anything to wear!
Still it may happen that I get up in the morning with the idea of \u200b\u200bputting my new blue sheath dress with blue boots, but I open the window and I realize that it's raining ... and blue suede boots, it would spoil.
So, with the anxiety of being late for work, not having even a pair of shoes in the closet that is comfortable with the blue shift dress, are forced to change completely: gray sheath dress and boots blacks. Without considering the
"bag factor"! The purple bag obviously can not carry the red jacket, and forces him to bring everything in it in record time from a bag to another, possibly piece by piece, and not "pouring" all without treatment (sometimes I'd like a funnel). and it is known that the purse of a woman can hold just about anything.
Sometimes I envy my friends who dress exclusively in black: simple matching, black is right with everything, but it is a bit 'sad noo? And a symptom of little imagination.
Or is that just common sense that I lack? ;)
Below one of the funniest scenes of the cult film in which Carrie, on Walk This Way of RunDMC in his beloved wardrobe, try out 80-90 years old clothes ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lightsheer Laser Used Sale Canada

reborn man? No thanks!

Ah, if I would be reborn reborn man ... I often say this phrase by the female, and I thought perhaps I too sometimes. Nothing
cycle or hormonal changes humoral and they do cry at the sight of a dead fly.
The man should not shave every single piece body on a weekly basis (but could be discussed here, since many people today like to appear hairless beauty contests but sometimes - horror - even under the sheets!), but above all must not bear out the tail bathrooms.
It 's a golden rule, I assume due to the fact that the woman is on average twice as long to do his business: you never know why?
First women's clothing may take some time (see Strait sheath dress, ski suit to overalls, body with various hooks in the bathroom ...), and besides anything can happen: a laddered stocking to be replaced, that did not want a Tampax should know where to go, the trick to fix, to fix their hair, etc..
Man comes in, pees, sometimes after, sometimes during, washes his hands, and exits. At best, it can happen that the zipper jams, but in this case the man's easy: the leaves as it is. Convenient is not it?
Obviously if there is only one bathroom is another possibility: make it up anywhere, tree, car, lamp post ... like dogs.
And what about the fact that man has to pay more for the same position and seniority? And that is capable of being happy with beer in hand watching 22 people running after a ball? A
everything they make to counter the hassle of shaving every morning (but on this better than skirt the issue) and be with his jacket summer weddings.
Here's something for which men make me your trouble, just arrived in the church are incravattati, beautiful, clean and starched. In the middle of the Mass starting to sweat on the forehead and in the car turn on the air conditioning come to the throttle by partner (of course with ultra lightweight sleeveless dress) an accident.
At the refreshment stand up a little, but just served the second take off his jacket and leave it all to admire trout in the armpits, that is patches of sweat on his shirt. Bad show, you know.
But you can really put on a balance with all that this paucity of women in the world contrary represent?
The frivolity that distinguishes our being beautiful, the care we put into things, the moral strength and character of a woman are incomparable: the man of today is shaving more than us, pees sitting and tricks, but will never in the feminine self.
The pleasure of pleasure, the pleasure of being courted, pleased to be special (and not because less!).
embellished with makeup and jewelry.
Dressing and undressing, removing her skirt I think one of the most sensual gestures ... and we forget that there is underwear, so they like to omit, but I promise to us. I at least I have every color and shape. And
What about high heels, joy and pain of many of us? The possibility of dressing their hair, curl, straighten, change the color or cut to cut with a past to be forgotten? And a woman loves
100% prompted him even when only 30, loves the body and mind (in the words of Julio Iglesias), but especially with the heart ...
Can I add also the joy of giving birth to children, and I mention this only because it is a must in this context, but I know by hearsay that is a priceless joy that you experience.
Not to mention the ability of the mind to perceive the feminine details, to perceive the feelings, and to use the famous sixth sense: something that men, even with practicality and logic that I envy them so much, certainly can not boast. And you can not say no! :-)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is Sammie The Singer Signed

Coffee, tea ... me?

Assuming I do not like coffee, I can say I usually drink one or two a day and only ever at the bar. In particular
drink coffee maker, perhaps because it seems more diluted good.
So when I'm at the bar and a few more minutes (being "long" still requires time, "ladies" because it is sipped, and often the water is hot), I order a coffee in large bowl with water and separate, possibly not very hot (for the reasons outlined above). The specific
because every time the bartenders have the chance to introduce a long swill: I will personally want to determining the amount of water, it is my right! :)
Yes, they are just like Sally in the popular film, and when it order in that famous scene of the most famous coffee is immediately recognized as a very demanding (in fact, "high maintenance" as defined by Harry).
Well, because yesterday I am subject to the Railway Station, the place perhaps more proletarian and democratic, where they spend thousands of people day, of all classes and all races, where the homeless spend their afternoons lying on the cold benches, a coffee, which normally costs as much as a regular coffee, was paid € 1.20!
Obviously I did this to the case, but my words will not give any feedback on the other hand ... I can not expect a cashier to discuss company policies such as that of a giant that owns the restaurant chain that I necessarily revolt, as it is the only bar in this station!
Not only that, despite my request for water at hand, she introduced me to brew a cup of flavored coffee (so long already) and a pot with hot water ... but According to him where I should put that coffee had already seen the brim?

Ps You'll certainly recognize the title phrase, taken from the movie "Working Girl" (The year was 1988) and remained in history;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Muscle Woman Strangled Me

Positions ...

no mistake you morbid, you think, reading the title of the post, this time we are talking about Kamasutra positions and a bedroom ... I would like to talk about very different positions, those who take in embarrassing situations, at least once in their lifetime.
recall with horror an activity that was in elementary school: no, not the balls, and even the "dots" (in the sting of the paper with a pin-that stupid game). I speak of wheelbarrow.
What a dirty mind could have invented this kind of game? A child walks on his arms while another boy held his legs. The effort that this position requires, at the age of 7 / 8 years, it is indescribable, at least I remember it as huge, and I could not do that a few centimeters.
As a child I could hardly then have to squat to pee, when my dad, with the option to make it up, I suggested: "Go behind that pine, there are none."
And I, trying not to step on some snake dozing or some cow poop, and glancing furtively to make sure there really was no one within a few kilometers, takes about fifteen minutes to "do the job" ...
what I wrote in post on "positions"
will help you understand why. In addition, the refreshing mountain air flaps of skin that usually are covered not just the maximum of the needle.
Several years ago, we were in their early twenties, her friend Paola and I decided to follow the example of two dear friends, and agreed to a trial lesson Kachukembo, a martial art.
Of course, like the other beginners, I had much difficulty keeping certain positions, which honestly seemed to me a bit 'absurd, such as doing push-ups on the fingers (ahhhhh), or stand still for minutes on one leg .... but to be honest I do not even turn somersaults could own good: than I was at least 20 years!
Then, when you grow up you realize that there are places far worse, more uncomfortable and much, much more embarrassing. The position in which a woman must feel when you visited the gynecologist is something that can traumatize two brackets supporting legs spread while a 1000-watt beacon lights "open" your intimate areas that two eyes peering from close range. What could be more embarrassing? And if those two
eyes belong to a gynecologist as the one that occurred to me before the last tour, things are even worse: I could not believe it when I was approached in the waiting room, I thought it was some kind of receptionist, even though seemed suitable for the role: a woman about 50 years, without shirts, flannel trousers and sweatshirt fleece (yeah, like those used for skiing) red shoes with rubber soles, short gray hair, ill-kept and most of all ... mustache.
A vague resemblance to a woman of Italian politics.
I wanted to run away! Then when you're sitting at your desk, in front of the computer, I hoped (last glimmer of hope) that she was a secretary ... but then, when he started to me the usual questions of anamnesis, I had to struggle with the harsh and frightening reality: Rosi Bindi was going to see me like few can! :-)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Para Q Sirve El Realtplayer

Women, attentive to those who warm your feet ...

I hate the cold.
Few things in life bother me as the cold chill that stings the skin and makes your feet numb pain. That bad feelings!
The cold of these days I had to come up with socks and pants from the cabinet. I wear mostly skirts, but with the Bora and bedded in temperatures below freezing, even a fool like me could venture to the city with a billowing skirt.
It had never happened since I live in the apartment, but the other night I could not sleep for the cold: the quilt could not get warm, and lacking even a man who warms my feet (sometimes men are so!) I decided to pull out of the drawer a boule hot water unused for a while 'time, look at your heart-shaped case, just to be on the subject ...
He did not look good, be curled on the edges, as though we were "loose", but when I filled up I was able to verify that no spread.
The warmth that emanated immediately gave me comfort ... just a man, that you enjoy for an hour, then keeps you warm, but at night from boredom, and can not stand the morning after!
I was really happy, and so reconciled with the outside world (cold) I fell asleep: Well, at 3 am I woke up in a lake!
Sheets, mattress, comforter, everything was wet. The idea of \u200b\u200bentering another cold bed intact and terrified me, so I was determined (bold and crazy as they are) to stay where I was: move your legs as far away from the puddle, I slept till 7 as mummified, in an uncomfortable position and with a feeling of "wet" never felt before.
a situation that made me immediately to mind the beautiful video of Genesis, in which Ronald Reagan wakes up in a puddle of water, including duck.
So the moral of today is this: a man who calls or warm, Russian but not in the morning and go away cleanly, or you buy a hot water bottle as it should. :-)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Wedding Welcome Intro

No I want to live to regret

logging on previous post and other post where I expressed my views on the fact that life should be lived fully, I want to come back in line with what I heard and experienced in these first days year.
morning, despite predictions prevedessero abundant snowfall, I took the train and I went to another city to devote to sales. Shopping with friends is a pain, so, without waiting for the friend who with the excuse of the cycle or only a few Paturnie I still would have accompanied, I decided to enjoy the day alone.
A little 'disappointed by the fact that two out of three shops were closed (ah, the province!), It is worth it just to see the city almost deserted, illuminated by Christmas lights and whitewashed ... a fairy tale.
The story because, between a hot tea and a showcase, I've just enjoyed, I enjoyed the freedom to do what every single time I wanted to do, but there were also those five minutes in which I have felt so alone, where I wanted to be there with someone special ... and while I dwell on these feelings, I also reflected on the fact which has always better to live than stay still and wait for something to happen, it is best to move rather than lazily moldy home.
And even though the melancholy can catch you for a few moments, it always pays to act without waiting for some company - maybe very bad - which then makes you think it was better if I was alone!
back on this even thinking about what I said yesterday my friend G.: When we go to dinner together it turns out that we always talk about C, a girl who spent a long time, he somehow hit his heart, but with whom there was never anything concrete, and even of flesh.
G. continues to say (almost as if to autoconvincere) that she has a character difficult, that is problematic, and that he did not want to deal with a mess and feel bad about that. A "well" but it still carries in her heart ...
He was afraid, he admitted last night, afraid to get hurt, and wanted to quit even before they get burned.
's regret. What I shun as I can. I do not mean, coma G. ago, "I should try, I could live, or at least take her to bed, and then who knows ..."
So I throw myself in every adventure, trying to force this to act even if I do not want to live to feel alive even improbable stories.
Sometimes, indeed often, I feel bad later, suffering, and in that moment I sorry to have acted impulsively, or to have room for a person who eventually turned out to be different from what I had hoped, or not suitable for me. But it is only a fleeting feeling, because it quickly followed by a smile when I think of certain events, certain people I met during these years that maybe I have hurt, or annoyed, or offended, now I smile, and he still maintains " memory of life, " my life that I want to be short or long as to live up to.
Sometimes, when this thought haunts me more intensely than usual, I let go of everything and everyone, and start to enjoy all that I can suck the world. As my hummingbird, which reminds me of the meaning of the tattoo I did: are not important in the past or the future, it is important to live now, sucking the nectar of life. .
And leave it to you this song, one of the best of a fantastic film, based on a book and an equally amazing story: Into the Wild.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Why Is It Easier To Pee With Legs Spread

disheveled - and I find it hard

Today I learned that we must leave that life disheveled, so I decided to live life with greater intensity.
The world is crazy. Definitely crazy ...
Good things grow fat. Good things cost money. The sun that lights the face makes you wrinkles.
And all the truly beautiful things of this life ... uncombed
Lovemaking uncombed. With laughter uncombed. Travel, fly, run, jump into the sea uncombed. Take off your clothes
uncombed. Kiss the person you love uncombed. Playing uncombed. Singing
to gasp uncombed. Dance till you come to doubt whether it was a good idea to put high heels tonight, lets her hair beyond recognition ...
So every time we meet, I will always uncombed hair ...
However, do not doubt that I'm experiencing the happiest moment of my life.
It 's the law of life will increasingly disheveled woman who chooses the first wagon over the mountains Russian one that chooses not to go.
may be that I feel tempted to be a woman impeccably coiffed and elegant inside and out.
This world requires good looks: hair, put on, take off, buy, run, lose weight, eat well, walk straight, be serious ...
Maybe I should follow the instructions ... but when I ordered to be happy?
may not realize that beauty shine for me I feel beautiful. The most beautiful person that can be!
The only really important thing: when I look in the mirror I see the woman that I must be.
So, here's my recommendation to all women and men: Abandoned, Eat more good things, Kiss, Embrace, Dance, Lovers, Relax, Travel, Skip, Go to bed late, get up early, Run, Fly, Sing, Be nice, sit back, enjoy the scenery, enjoy life and above all let you accrue!
The worst that can happen is that smiling face in the mirror you have to comb your hair again!