Friday, March 11, 2011

Cisco Product Identification Tool


For those who missed something, let's remember that the main innovations introduced by about 4.3 iOS improvements to Safari browser The Sharing iTunes, use the switch side of the iPad to block the rotation of the screen, upgrades and new feature to AirPlay Personal Hotspot.

Safari browser - has been integrated into the WebKit JavaScript Engine Nitro, which doubles the speed of the execution time of JavaScript with the just-in-time compilation.
• Sharing iTunes - is a feature that allows you to create a home WiFi network. To your PC or Mac you can connect all the devices iOS 4.3 (iPad, iPhone, iPod), so you can watch a movie on iPad sitting on the couch in the living room, transfer files between devices, play videos, music, etc. .

AirPlay to upgrade - to the Apple TV can stream music, video and photos. E 'possible to transfer videos from third party apps and websites directly to your TV and new bridges were introduced during the photo slideshows.
• Personal Hotspot - With this feature you can use iPhone as a Wi-Fi signal transmitter and the result is that you can connect to the internet with five other smartphones (up to three at one time using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a USB one vii). Each connection is protected by a password.


The latest version of the software is compatible with iPad iPad 2, iPhone 3G, iPhone and iPod touch four of the third and fourth generation. To proceed with the update, simply connect your Apple device to your Mac or PC and follow the instructions on iTunes.


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